CTI will launch software integration and training services for government platforms-government.vision

CTI will launch software integration and training services for government platforms

CTI, which runs the government and develops the program, has announced its new training and integration program. CTI currently provides training for the TAK / Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) and to enhance and improve the capabilities of integrated TAK systems and other components required by TAK, Raptor, and electronic warfare management. -government and administration. Device (EWPMT).

Educational services

The CTI training service uses a combination of human experience and electrical engineering experience to provide practical training to TAK and end-users in addition to successful farm work. Compute tomography instructors quickly created special courses to meet the needs of missionaries and conducted studies in schools and camps to support the needs of the community.

John Goodson, Marine Special Corps, and CTI Product Manager also explained, “Each unit has a large number of energy consumers that maintain TAK capability across all teams,” TAK and the team conduct the opportunity to develop staffing capabilities and ensure security regardless of staffing costs. “

Integrated services

With more than two decades of open and sophisticated development, CTI is expanding its expertise to third-party partners who need to incorporate their chosen expertise in the bathroom industry. Providing a keychain integration service allows colleagues to focus on their core competencies, using CT experience to solve complex problems, enable government, and strengthen experiments and improvements. This was fixed before the announcement.

“From the introduction of complex information electronic warfare (EW) to TAK a few days after physical training”, market retailers will benefit from open public services.

CTI information and service information

CTI solutions are at the forefront of the mission area because of team structure, staff development, selected skills, and team-led activities. People. CTI is committed to creating an open and comprehensive response from public administration. The philosophy ensures that software or equipment in the industry does not interfere with what is usually provided in the field. Thanks to our rapid approach to solutions, service delivery, and business, CTI continues to grow in the security market. CTI operates in California, MD, and has offices in San Diego, Camarillo’s, and Santa Barbaras, CA, as well as Denver, CO, Honolulu, HI, and Chantilly, VA.

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