President Biden’s job approval rating hits a new low in a public poll

President Biden’s job approval rating hits a new low in a public poll

Most Americans now think President Joe Biden is doing a worse job than ever, according to a large public opinion poll released Wednesday.

A Quinnipiac University survey found that only 31% of American adults approve of Biden using his works, while 60% disapprove.

Biden’s approval rating among registered voters also fell in the Quinnipiac poll, with 33% of voters saying they liked his job and 59% disapproving.

The results came a day after a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Democrats’ public approval rating fell to 36 percent, matching a record low for the poll.

In the Quinnipiac survey, Biden received the lowest job ratings for his use of the economy, with only 28% of respondents approving of his work in this area. This result is consistent with another poll: 34% of Americans say inflation is the most pressing problem in the US right now.

In June, inflation rose 9.1% year-on-year, the fastest in more than 40 years.

Biden’s approval rating also dipped when respondents were asked about his use of gun violence, foreign policy, and Russia’s involvement in Ukraine.

The only bright spot was Biden’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, with 50 percent of respondents approving of the job he’s done, while 43 percent disapproved.

Quinnipiac’s decision has already been bad news for Biden when it comes to his goal of seeking a second term in 2024.

More than 75% of respondents said they would not want Biden to run for president this year, and only 24% said they wanted a second term for Biden in the White House.

Many of Biden’s fellow Democrats appear ready to see him go, according to the poll, which polled 1,523 adults by telephone between Thursday and Sunday and had a margin of error of 2.5 percent.

A majority of Democrats, 54 percent, said they would not want him re-elected in two years, the poll found. 40 percent of Democrats said they would like Biden to run.

This contrasts with Biden’s support of President Donald Trump for the Trump Republicans.

Sixty-nine percent of Republicans said they would like Trump to run for the White House in 2024, while 27 percent would not.

Of all Americans, 60 percent said they do not want to see Trump as the GOP nominee.

“There is less demand for a Trump reelection or a Biden presidency,” said Tim Malloy, a researcher at Quinnipiac University.

“But Mr. Trump is still in power. President Biden is underwater in his party’s support.”

Registered voters were nearly split when asked about the upcoming midterm elections that will determine which party holds a majority in both houses of Congress.

About 45% of respondents said they wanted the Democratic Party to continue to control the House, while 44% said they would prefer the Republicans.

When asked which party should control the Senate, it was dead on 45% said Democrats, while the same percentage said they wanted Republicans in charge.

Democrats currently hold the majority in the Senate, with two independent senators running against 48 Democratic senators, and Vice President Kamala Harris can tie the vote in the 100-seat chamber.

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