Sev1Tech Acquires Geocent, Bolstering Mission-Focused

Sev1Tech Acquires Geocent, Bolstering Mission-Focused Services

Sev1Tech, LLC, a leading provider of new IT, cybersecurity, and cloud services to businesses and retailers, announced today that it has acquired Geocent, LLC. Geocent, which works for the U.S. government, has a strong reputation as a newcomer to DevSecOps and service engineers, supporting critical operations in all offices.

Geocent is a regular and important partner with existing government agencies and business organizations, modified and defined through these important partnerships and partnerships to better serve citizens, without market competition and national security.

Search facilitates scalability and solutions that meet current needs and complicate government IT requirements. This partnership combines the experience of serving online customers and initiating digital transformation – an important complement to current and future contract opportunities.

“We are working together to improve planning, development, and innovation to support the work of our nation’s customers by integrating strong technology, engineering, and data services,” said Drs. Bobby Savoie, CEO of Geocent. “Tools that drive the market in innovation, cyber security, technology, and machine learning – all strengthen our competitiveness, create new offers, and increase the number of service providers in one of us.

Sev1Tech DFW Capital agrees to support. The combination of these management teams and a network of built-in services enables to offer a more sophisticated solution than a small mission-driven organization. We are proud of this team and our partnership will continue to expand its growth path, “said Doug Gilbert, a friend of DFW Capital. In addition, Enlightenment Capital is an investor in both Sev1Tech and DFW Capital.

About Sev1Tech

Sev1Tech provides IT, cloud, cyber security, engineering, training, and support programs to U.S. government agencies and large business organizations. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. Metro, Sev1Tech is a trusted contractor supporting key services related to the security, intelligence, national security, procurement, and healthcare markets. Sev1Tech offers professional employees, CMMI SVC 3, ISO 9001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, and ISO 27017 certification and high technology.

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