CalypsoAI Announces Partnership with ECS to Develop Solutions for Trustworthy

CalypsoAI Announces Partnership with ECS to Develop Solutions for Trustworthy AI

Today, CalypsoAI and ESS announced an agreement to support the development of security and intelligence (AI) in the United States.

As part of the partnership, CalypsoAI, Silicon Valley start-ups, and the leader in the artificial intelligence security industry will be able to use their artificial intelligence security and safety software to enhance the ESS capabilities of global customers. CalypsoAI provides ECS with the ability to manage development tools as well as advanced and search (T&E) tools. This partnership promotes the deployment of reliable and responsible artificial intelligence in other companies, such as the US Department of Defense. Department of Homeland Security, USA.

The safety and security of artificial intelligence is an important issue for senior government officials, such as the Deputy Minister of Defense, Dr. Caitlin Hicks. In May, he published a memorandum outlining the importance of the United States. CalypsoAI’s partnership with ESS supports this initiative by increasing the ability of AI T&E vendors to provide them with the tools they need to create and threaten secure artificial capabilities.

“We have created a very open environment to ensure the speed, security, and stability of AI following government requirements,” said Aaron Burciaga, ESS’s Deputy Director of Data and Information Technology. “From real-time research to data-intensive research and marketing, we’ve strengthened the future with CalypsoAI. We’ve all demonstrated innovative solutions, functional data, job descriptions, and locations. Secure for the most common. Smart technology and technology.”

About CalypsoAI

CalypsoAI was established in 2018 by Do and DARPA forces to accelerate AI national security applications. When artificial intelligence was used in the area, they launched CalypsoAI and refused to prove it. Without a secure real mode, AI projects will be suspended or not used. Recognizing trust as a problem between mission owners and group scientists, the founders of CalypsoAI created government projects to create a comprehensive solution to bring artificial intelligence into business.

The purpose of the CalypsoAI program is to assure AI performance, reliability, and security. We serve clients in the national security industry, finance, and other areas of law.

About ECS

ECS provides high-tech solutions, Internet security, knowledge and intelligence (AI), writing and IT knowledge, science, and technology. The company solves serious and complex problems for consumers, security, intelligence, and business in the American community. ECS manages cloud computing, cyber security, and artificial intelligence / ML services and handles selected expert certificates. ECS is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, and employs more than 3,500 people in the United States.

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