Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas tests positive for Covid is experiencing mild symptoms-government.vision

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas tests positive for Covid is experiencing mild symptoms

WASHINGTON – Home Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tested Covid -19 on Tuesday, his spokesman said in a statement.

“The mayor was Security Secretary positively tested this morning to detect the COVID-19 virus after being tested as an alternative,” said Marsha Espinosa, assistant secretary of political affairs, she tweeted on Tuesday.

“Secretary Mayorkas is dealing with a very busy schedule; he has already received his prescription and will be cut off and will work at home with CDC rules and medical advice. Phone calls are ongoing,” Espinosa said.

On Saturday, Mayorkas, 61, joined President Joe Biden, Queen Jill Biden, and other senior officials at the U.S. Capitol’s National Police Officer’s Memorial Service.

Majorcans (above, third on the left) can be seen in pictures of an outdoor event standing a few feet from the president, he or Biden wearing masks.

Biden and Mayorkas were vaccinated against Security Secretary Covid. Biden also suffered gunshot wounds in late September, according to instructions from Pregnancy and the Gynecology Center.

A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a question as to whether Biden would accept further warnings with Mayorkas’ approval.

The day before the Capitol event, Mayorkas attended the Festival of Memories and Crowns of Bravery and Border Protection (CBP), in honor of CBP employees who lost their lives at work.

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