Warren urges SEC to open insider trading probe into Fed vice-Chair Clarida, others-government.vision

Warren urges SEC to open insider trading probe into Fed vice-Chair Clarida, others

Sen. On Monday, Elizabeth Warren called on the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether three Federal Reserve System administrators violated trade rules for buying and selling goods until 2020, while the central bank supports the US economy to protect US money.

In his letter, Warren, who sits on the Coalition Board of Directors, called on Secretary Gary Gensler, the secretary, to consider “ethical negotiations” between Federation Vice President Richard Clarida and local leaders Robert Kaplan and Eric Rosengren.

The Massachusetts WarrenDemocratic election is his last attack on the Federal Trade Agency in 2020. Clarida is the Federal Reserve’s Deputy Prime Minister Jerome Powell.

He continued to criticize officials for multi-million dollar deals last year, but the central bank used valuable secrecy and other economic data.

“I am writing to ask the Warren SEC to investigate the company’s security with Federal Reserve officials and to investigate whether any sex offenders are suspected of violating internal trade rules,” he wrote in a letter.

A Federal Reserve spokesman said Clarida companies were announced in May and are ready to restructure their economies. Other operations included a salary of $ 1-5 million based on scientific contributions in March 2020.

The sale of Clarida “was due to participation in discussions about the Federal Reserve’s activities in response to the coronavirus outbreak, not the darkness,” a department spokesman said. He received a letter for his letter. “The fixed amount shall be determined with the initial approval of the Ethics Council.”

It is difficult to justify domestic trading or Warren currency exchange as part of a system designed to buy and sell shares rather than sell alternatives and at the same time in active markets.

The woman declined to comment further when Clarida submitted her skills for the 2020 exam or when the Fed’s executive agency approves the program. A spokesman for the Federal Reserve also declined to say whether the central bank would cooperate with the security, which also declined to comment.

Similar reports have been confirmed in recent weeks, suggesting that Warren Dallas Governor Kaplan has sold millions of dollars over the past year. It was also reported that Federal Reserve Chairman Rosengren sold the buildings because they worked with other Fed members to buy the loan.

The couple resigned last week due to growing public protest, although Rosengren spoke early about health issues.

Although the closure of Clarida companies is not uncommon, the time to March 2020 – the pre-market market in March 2020 in response to the US Covid -19 scandal – has resolved their complaints about the bank’s regulation. Inter. it was too late and Clarida was able to capture public information.

On September 22, Powell declared that the current central bank’s business rules were inadequate and ordered that its terms be reviewed and improved.

“We fully understand that the faith of the American people is essential to the effective performance of our functions,” he said after the last meeting of the federal system. “And that’s why I taught the Fed to start reviewing its transaction code to confirm the Fed’s office fees and operations.”

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