Securing Your Government Data in the Cloud

Securing Your Government Data in the Cloud

At least 15 states require government entities to destroy or dispose of personal information so it’s unreadable or indecipherable.

Additionally, at least 24 states have data security laws that apply to private entities. Modernizing IT infrastructure is costly. Governments allocate billions to IT security spending.

It Doesn’t Have to Be So Complicated to secure data

Whether you’ve already migrated to the cloud or are thinking about it, your journey doesn’t have to be risky. The cloud is loaded with benefits that are aimed to increase your business agility, flexibility, and long-term growth and innovation. Why keep your IP on-prem or in tricky hybrid environments?

Four Ways to Secure Government Data in the Cloud

The time to move from on-premises environments to the cloud is now. Don’t let concerns about storing and sharing sensitive data block your full-scale cloud adoption.

End-to-end Encryption to ensure cloud vendors and unauthorized parties will not be able to access your proprietary data, like regulated content, citizen PII and financial information.

Customer-hosted Keys that give you direct control of your data stored in the cloud, support existing cryptographic workflows, and enforce policy on data that is shared externally to remain compliant.

Access Controls to ensure your proprietary data is only accessed by authorized collaborators and remains private, wherever it’s shared, ensuring internal employees and third parties are following mandatory privacy policies.

Granular Audit for visibility into who has accessed your proprietary data, when and where, making it easy to achieve PII data compliance and meet federal regulations like FERPA, HIPAA, and CJIS.

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