A Two-Track Strategy to a Modern Digital Government and Public Sector-government.vision

A Two-Track Strategy to a Modern Digital Government and Public Sector

A Practical Guide for Technology Leaders Facing Today’s New Normal

When your public wants instant answers, easy access to services, and total confidence you will provide what they need, when they need it, how does their experience measure up? And when other public sector organizations — think response services and the military — need to improve efficiencies for their workforce and the people they serve, how do you deliver modern experiences and make the best use of existing systems at the same time? Now more than ever, private citizens, public servants, and mobilized workforces need to feel connected, informed, and listened to. And they look for the same simplicity, responsiveness, and speed they get from platforms like Spotify or Netflix.

That’s quite a set of challenges when government and public sector CIOs are already grappling with multiple internal issues. For some, there are small budgets, skills shortages, and slow approval processes. For others, there are fragmented siloed teams, complex legacy systems, and ever-increasing regulations. All barriers to improving service delivery

Globally too, markets and legislation are becoming more complex, and data management is getting tougher. Compliance mandates such as general data protection regulations (GDPR) in Europe, or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US stipulate how to keep vital information private and secure in today’s digital world.

All in all, there’s no shortage of priorities to address, and during unpredictable times, IT leaders that fall under the government umbrella need to step up and drive their organization’s digital strategy.

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