Forecasting model with machine learning in higher education ICFES

Forecasting model with machine learning in higher education ICFES exams


In this article, we have recommended various group experiments in university schools with K-method algorithms, K-close limits, neural networks, and inexperienced Bay that work directly on engineering tests, authorization, and science. Colombia. ICFES Saber Pro is a required exam for all students who follow programs of a higher grade. The Colombian government commissioned this ICFES study in 2009 in Law 3963, ICFES which aims to identify the advancement of knowledge, knowledge standards, and the nature of programs and organizations. ICFES The purpose of the data is to modify the data set, analyze the system and choose the chosen type and use the available data (650,000 quarter data). The study found that by combining segments of main women (68%) in Mathematics, Engineering, and Vocational Education, the city continues to be a good place to apply for higher education (94%), internet use increased by 50%. last year, the family support team continued to work to support the education of children.


Education is one of the most important changes in our country. It has greatly influenced society as it has helped reduce poverty, improve living conditions, and maintain skills and trade, among others. Many writers, such as Hanushek [1], Coleman [2], Barrera [3], and Finland [4], have studied this topic. They have shown that value can be compromised by various changes that allow students to improve their skills: their attitudes, their emotional state, and their economic status, among others [5].

The Colombian State Ministry of Education received 3963 approvals in 2009. The purpose of the law is to create an external tool to assess type in higher education. Similarly, with images of practice tests available, for the student and the higher education institution, it aims to improve public policies, research, and law [6].

The amount of information stored by students taking the Saber Pro exams is a major challenge to see things that have a big impact on the achievement of the results.

Thus, information such as personality, educational history, family, or economic status was not disclosed. The above factors can contribute to the result achieved in higher education [6]. There are still studies in Bogota on how to gain university acquisition and employment and a strong relationship between foreign finances and group students [7] – [9] how much information in data centers affects access to information.

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