Republican Glenn Youngkin projected to win Virginia governor race after heated

Republican Glenn Youngkin projected to win Virginia governor race after heated campaign

Glenn Youngkin, a wealthy Republican businessman, won the coalition election in Virginia, won the Democratic seat and the previous Mo government. According to NBC News, Terry McAuliffe has attracted international attention in racing.

Republican Youngkin shook his head as he returned to McAuliffe. The vote will end at 7 pm EN

It is estimated that 95 percent of the vote will be cast by the Virginia dictatorship. According to NBC, Republican Youngkin received about 51% of the vote and McAuliffe 48.3%.

McAuliffe, 68, and Youngkin, 54, voted a few weeks before the Commonwealth race to replace the democratic governor. Ralph Northam.

McAuliffe, a longtime friend, and adviser to former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were expected to return. He served in the government from 2014 to 2018 as a governor, which prohibited governors from applying for consecutive terms. He also has difficulty securing the Democrats’ victory in the Virginia race, which began in 2012.

“We have had many protests here over the last eight years,” McAuliffe said during the first governor’s debate last month, alluding to the country’s democratic power. “We have, you see, what happened in this area eight years ago, open and all welcome. There are hundreds of thousands of new jobs. We have progressed, we have opened our country, and ‘Welcome.’ I will not come back.

Youngkin, a young politician who has made money in 25 careers at the public investment company Carlyle Group, has seen his competition more than expected, in a different and different style.

The Virginia race was one of the first major elections in the country since President Joe Biden took office. It is one of the last Democrats preparing to defend their thin circles in the Senate and House of Representatives in the new election year.

The Democratic Governor of New Jersey held a contest on Tuesday. it was also needed. Phil Murphy youth election, where Republican Jack Ciattarelli competed.

Some experts say the race in Virginia is a White House referendum and an example of how the party will run in 2022.

“Virginia has become a popular political center for the by-elections because there are so few national elections a year after the presidential election,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a professor of political science at Mary Mary University in Washington.

The couple challenged in the by-elections because they expected more than expected to vote, which means the election will soon coincide with their party’s election results.

For the past two months, McAuliffe and Youngkin have combined digital channels and digital opportunities on social media, where they have been intimidating and often focused on secular issues.

McAuliffe’s market revenue is likely to be $ 44.4 million and Youngkin’s $ 42.2 million.

McAuliffe’s expensive and widespread campaign hit a Republican opponent because he was against abortion. Youngkin’s most common and costly campaigns came from McAuliffe’s opposition to parental control over education.

But before the temperature dropped again, other problems arose.

The couple, whom both said they were stabbed, objected to Covid-19. Although McAuliffe wants teachers, students, and health professionals to be vaccinated, Youngkin protests the guidelines, saying they will encourage Americans who do not want to be vaccinated in their work.

Voters are also grateful to former President Donald Trump.

Supported by Mr. Trump praised Youngkin and praised him for his instincts in business politics. However, Youngkin refused to distance himself from Trump and his allies, refused to meet with them, and said he agreed with the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, McAuliffe took every opportunity to tie his GOP ally to the former president. Commenting on their combination of Covid-19 rules and speed, McAuliffe called Youngkin “Trump’s Will.”

So McAuliffe had some problems with his current party leader.

By reducing Biden’s work permit in Virginia, McAuliffe cited the president’s anonymity as a threat to his campaign.

As you know, the president is unfortunately not popular here in Virginia right now, so we have to plant, ”McAuliffe said in an official statement quoted by Axios.

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