Biden administration makes second attempt to end Trump-era ‘Remain-in-Mexico’ asylum

Biden administration makes second attempt to end Trump-era ‘Remain-in-Mexico’ asylum policy

The Biden administration on Friday announced its second attempt to suspend Mr. Trump’s border rule – which would force refugees to stay in Mexico until the day of the United States immigration court.

It comes two weeks after the administration complied with a Texas district attorney’s order to reinstate the ordinance, known as “Stay in Mexico,” in mid-November.

At a time when managers were taking steps to reform the law, Home Security Home Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced his intention to abolish “Residence in Mexico” if he dropped a statement from a state judge or a court.

He released his first letter in June finalizing the plan until his plan was suspended by a presidential decree.

The “Stay in Mexico” law, officially known as the Immigration Protection Act, or MPP, was introduced in 2019 by former President Donald Trump, among many Central American families crossing the border into the southwest.

In a statement, Mayorkas stressed that the MPP could reduce illegal travel across the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration. But he said it had imposed “excessive cost and inconvenience” on the thousands of foreigners waiting in Mexico, which highlighted the importance of completing the program.

“The benefits of MPP far outweigh the cost of using the program in the usual way, of any kind,” Mayorkas said in a new four-page invitation.

“The MPP not only undermines the Authority’s ability to make the necessary and significant changes in the transport system but also fails to do them justice and compassion that it deserves – everyone,” he said.

President Joe Biden administration suspended the MPP on his first day in office, expressing dissatisfaction with the persecution of immigrants waiting in Mexico.

This prompted the Republic of Texas and Missouri to file a lawsuit against the Biden administration in April to suspend the law. In August, a federal judge in North Texas stepped before the Biden administration government and ordered officials to review the law while awaiting a settlement of the case.

In August, the Supreme Court also dismissed the authorities’ appeal to overturn the judge’s decision.

In a ceremony on Friday, Mayorkas described Biden administration decision to stop the MPP from creating national problems.

He noted, for example, that the Mexican government has stated that it will not allow the return of Mexican immigrants under the MPP if the program “continues.”

However, according to Mayorkas, such reforms could divert resources from “other operational” means to address the root causes of immigration and combat state crime and illegal alliances.

“I have concluded that there are technical problems with this project for which there are not enough funds,” he said.

Mayorkas also said criminals were “seriously and dangerously” persecuting foreigners deported to Mexico under the MPP.

According to the U.S. Immigration Council, approximately 70,000 immigrants have returned to Mexico under the MPP since 2019. By law, immigrants usually wait months, if not years, to get an immigration judge.

While waiting in Mexico, they also faced the danger of eviction, sexual harassment, and eviction under human rights. As many as 1,544 reported cases of rape, deportation, and assault were concerned, among others, aliens deported under the Trump Act until February 2021.

Mayorkas says the Biden administration could reduce immigration to the south and protect asylum seekers with other emerging plans. It includes a rapid and comprehensive refugee court plan that will allow refugee authorities to make “reasonable and fair decisions” on refugee claims.

“If implemented, these rules will be more effective for transport than the MPP, while maintaining the integrity of our country,” the interior minister said in a statement.

Some Democrats have supported Biden administration efforts to repeal the bill, which he said should not be changed.

“Rejecting Mexican laws is one of the worst laws against Trump’s visit and should be overturned, as should many other plans that Trump intends to violate and forcibly protect refugees from seeking compensation from the United States,” the senator said.

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