Care leavers and disadvantaged pupils to benefit from £126 million investment in new laptops and

Care leavers and disadvantaged pupils to benefit from £126 million investment in new laptops and tablets

About half a million Care children and young people in England receive new tools to support their education and help them connect with friends and staff, through a $ 166 billion program.

Ahead of Guardianship Week (25-31 October), the government has now announced the expansion of the Support and Technology program, to tens of thousands of children with a social worker and caregiver. Computers and computers help these disadvantaged young people to meet social workers, personal counselors, and the media, as well as to support their education or training.

The items will be distributed to newcomers from Afghanistan, to help them adjust to life in England and support their education.

Additional resources will be provided to schools and colleges to help provide students and young people from school or college as Covid has the opportunity to learn, making it more relevant to students and their teachers.

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi said:

Our training of laptops and $ 16 billion worth of self-interested children will enhance school education, and help guide our long-term efforts for caregivers or caregivers.

This increase builds the 1.3 million laptops we have already prepared during the earthquake, helping children and young people, regardless of their background, access to education and support for some time. The future is better and brighter.

The increase will be based on the continuing suffering of children in the social and youth care system, part of the government’s commitment to promoting universal values.

It includes the Ministerial Board of Caregivers who improve access to hospital cleaners as they move towards independence and maturity, thereby keeping them independent of children’s behavior.

As part of the Technology Acquisition and Support Program, this new fund will help support students with homework and outdoor education, as well as the government’s $ 3 billion school promotion program, which includes a teacher volunteer program to help students learn.

Schools, colleges, and councils in November and December will be invited to issue a resource report, which will be guided by the distribution of students in all schools receiving higher education and the number of caregivers in each state.

This program builds on a high-quality computer to support remote learning and get emergency help during illness.

The department is providing 16 schools and colleges that need to purchase IT support for equipment development. Grants will also pay for repairs and replacement of previously acquired equipment with the acquisition of Support and Technology, which will allow schools to use it to their full potential for a longer period.

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