OmniSync Successfully Completes Performance under its Second US Air Force Innovation Contract

OmniSync Successfully Completes Performance under its Second US Air Force Innovation Contract

OmniSync Incorporated announced the successful end of the term under the second U.S. development agreement. Its Air Force fully fulfills the objectives of both agreements.

OmniSync is an innovative San Diego-based first-generation technology that uses a combination of AI / ML power finders, process workflow automation, and services to help Democracy secure funding. Government and contract funding. Its flagship product, TurboSBIR uses hundreds of in-depth technologies and life sciences to start earning grants and contracts for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Transmission Technology (STTR) to pay for pipeline upgrade products.

The company itself has received two development agreements from the U.S. Air Force’s AFWERX SBIR / STTR program – this highly competitive award encourages the development of dual-use capabilities that when you meet security requirements, they will also have the opportunity to sell. In its previous contract to improve team comparisons and capabilities and defense requirements advancing through the development and implementation Stages, OmniSync has just concluded its second contract, awarded to run a large part of the development process Contract/application itself.

“Federal grant and contract systems are largely opaque on both sides of the table – most applicants are unaware of how to position their capability to solve or contribute to a government need or focus area, while government grant makers and contract creators’ awareness of market capabilities and state-of-the-art is limited by historic contractor engagements and information submitted by a biased pool of repeat applicants. OmniSync intends to make requirement-research, grant/contract solicitation, application, awarding and acquisition processes more objective, data-driven, rapid, and cost-efficient.”

                                                    Dr. Rupak Doshi, CEO of OmniSync Incorporated

As required by AFWERX SBIR / STTR Phase I contracts, recipients must take technical courses that will allow them to take advantage of an Air Force affiliate function as a client who can comply with the Plans in Promotion and Excellence. OmniSync has successfully received signed interest from various project managers moving to the next stage.

OmniSync’s success with the SBIR / STTR program follows its successful fundraising campaign. The company is supported by former Googler-based venture studios, Launch Factory, and major accelerators, Capital Factory and EvoNexus. Read more about OmniSync.

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