Bond elections catalyze numerous contracting

Bond elections catalyze numerous contracting opportunities

Voters often lose bonds to support construction. While it is true that construction opportunities occur when bond bonds are agreed upon, the sale of a bond or generic bond offers hundreds of other contractual opportunities. Companies that provide services related to technology, engineering, furniture, mapping, and security are also assisted. Voters received a handful of ballots this year, with many waiting for the election in November.


Georgia has $ 1.133 billion to spend on reconstruction, purchase, renovation, and renovation of existing buildings. Some will also be used to promote new construction projects. About $ 378 million has been allocated to school districts and $ 302 million is allocated to Georgia System University projects. The transportation department will receive more than $ 152 million for roads, bridges, and trains, while Georgia Technical College System will receive about $ 99 million for various events. The country has also donated $ 20 million for a new convention site on Lake Lanier Island and $ 12 million for good development at Georgia’s World Transport Center in Atlanta.

West Virginia

Cabell County Education Board approved $ 87.5 million in public school bonds after voting in August. Construction companies and manufacturers will be in high demand as they plan to build in early 2021. Plans include renovation of Meadows Elementary and Milton Elementary and construction of a new Davis Creek building. So good. Other school buildings will receive major upgrades including new windows, doors, ceilings, HVAC system, spraying system, and adequate security.

New York

Lewis County has agreed on $ 33 million to build a new bed and renovate the Operating floor. Tenders will be invited in January and February 2021 and construction will begin shortly. The project includes the construction of a 36,224 square foot pavilion and the upgrading of 18,889 square feet of existing Medical-Finance floor space.


California recently announced $ 2.65 billion in funding for various projects at the University of California (UC). Up to $ 1.15 billion will be spent on on-campus events. University officials have announced construction plans for up to 50 of the 10 UC companies listed. Projects include the Spring Improvement and Natural Resources Center and the Research and Development Center and Franz Hall. Earthquake upgrades are planned at Irvine Campus, an engineering tower, four exhibition buildings, and a science center. Assistance for earthquakes will be improved by many buildings.


In August, $ 140 million was approved for the construction of a new high school and the completion of thirteen other buildings, and the upgrading of the Ascension Parish Public Schools. $ 79.5 million has been set aside for the construction of a new high school in Prairieville. Contract applications will open in 2021. Other approved projects include a $ 27 million upgrade to East Ascension High School, $ 7.5 million of fuel oil used in four garages connected to the stadium add classes to St. Amant Primary School, and a $ 2.3 million renovation for Donaldsonville High School.


Voters recently received $ 76.6 million from the Plainview Independent School District and the money will be used to renovate and rehabilitate primary and secondary schools. Some of the money will be used to improve security and technology. The construction plan includes six of the three main sites with pre-K plans and building skills at each location. Some applications are expected in November, but others are scheduled for early 2021.


Hawaii has successfully sold $ 995 million in conventional bonds, and the money will be used to support the financial transformation of various public buildings, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, public libraries, and leisure centers.

As 2020 draws to a close in the coming months, the launch of the November network boxes will provide millions of additional revenue for all types of services. Vote for voting. Even among diseases, public funds should be kept, increased, and protected for citizens. The act of choosing a contract will boost the local economy, and projects will create thousands of jobs.

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