Public governance, agility, and pandemics: a case study of the UK response to

Public governance, agility, and pandemics: a case study of the UK response to COVID-19


Initially, British Public governance officials believed that it was one of the best-prepared countries for the epidemic. By June 2020, the outcome of the conflict between the two-state solution, power, and the COVID-19 conflict, on the other hand, was clear. The UK has become the worst case of COVID-19 worldwide. This paper examines the UK government’s response to COVID-19 from public opinion and judgment. Using factual information and data tools, demonstrating government readiness and experimental solutions, improving Public governance responsiveness, and public confidence in government.


By 2020, the UK will be one of the few countries to suffer the most from COVID-19 but can control the spread of the virus (especially in the fall). One of the key issues to be discussed in this article is: how do we explain the British government’s failure to prevent the virus and prevent its spread but its success in treating the disease?

The UK government for the ConVID-19 trial will be evaluated from a judgment standpoint. Significant events and outcomes for disease control will be evaluated. This may include checking disease preparation, for example, about the appropriateness of the use of English Public governance health tests. Governance and communication practices and problem-solving strategies (Baubion, 2013) used by the UK government will be reviewed, and changes made in late March and April will be considered as part of the review. Power to respond. The serious nature of the types of problems used to solve projects will be clarified, including the introduction of the government with diseases in 2011.

The last section concluded that the British government’s plan to prepare for the epidemic was developed for COVID-19. It will also conclude that the British Public governance has made a sudden change in its risk management plan and appears to be taking part in the horse race, starting with the first election.

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