Customer Chronicles — Securing State and Local Government Agencies with Strong

Customer Chronicles — Securing State and Local Government Agencies with Strong MFA


Protecting sensitive data and maintaining cybersecurity hygiene are top concerns for Customer Chronicles security professionals and CISOs from state and local government agencies. Government networks contain sensitive data such as social Customer Chronicles security numbers, voter registration, medical records, bank account, and credit card numbers of millions of people and businesses, which can make them an attractive target for bad actors. With the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks and the lack of resources at their disposal, the IT departments across these agencies are looking for a solution that enables them to do more with less. We built Duo to be a simple, affordable, and secure solution to help government agencies – and organizations of all sizes – solve these problems.

This report provides an overview of how some Customer Chronicles state and local government agencies are adapting to this threat landscape by adding Duo’s multi-factor authentication (MFA) into their security architecture. The information provided is based on interviews with IT department decision-makers and administrators who are in charge of cybersecurity for their respective agencies.

The Challenge

The IT security team at the county experienced an increase in credential-based phishing attacks, particularly targeting SaaS applications.

In addition, the departments had deployed multiple MFA solutions for different applications, which created administrative overhead. The county was looking for a modern MFA solution that could seamlessly integrate into their IT environment to protect both traditional and cloud applications

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