Taiwan holds anti-invasion drill as China threat heightens-government.vision

Taiwan holds anti-invasion drill as China threat heightens

JIANG, Taiwan (AP) –F-16 rushed and landed at southwest airports to re-route. Taiwan’s defensive fighter, the United States F-16V, Mirage 2000-5 and E-2K warning planes arrived on the highway early Wednesday morning, surrounded by Jiadong facilities, destroying enemy forces at the airport.

The demonstration was part of Han Han’s five-day military training program to prepare several Chinese archipelagoes for violence, including. The annual increase has been small this year since the COVID-19 ban. Over the past two years, the threat from China has intensified as the People’s Liberation Army has flown to in recent days with fighter jets to patrol and block the island’s airspace.

In August, Chinese warships, submarines, and warships staged demonstrations near and China, saying the incident was crucial to preserving their sovereignty. Many experts do not believe that increasing competition will lead to war.

“It is a regional strategy – a threat to the military,” said Ou Xifu, a researcher at National Security and Defense Research Center, referring to the war. “It shouldn’t cause war.”

Taiwan is seeking to strengthen its defense in response to growing violence and hostility. President Tsai Ing-wen provided the island with money and equipment to build defensive ships, such as the first naval ship, and warships. Over the past two years, has also stopped buying U.S. weapons from arrows and planes.

Department of Defense has announced a new budget of $ 16.8 billion next year, a small increase from last year’s $ 16.19 billion. Sixty-five F-16Vs will be purchased for some of the money, the Central News Agency reports. According to China, the actions were the opposite response of the United States to foreign measures. Taiwan’s territory has grown in recent years, and the U.S. military is working to reduce Taiwanese waters.

A spokesman for China’s foreign minister told the Taiwan party on Wednesday: “History and laws cannot be changed, Taiwan is a member of China.”

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