Biden administration falls short of the fiscal year 2021 U.S. refugee admissions

Biden administration falls short of the fiscal year 2021 U.S. refugee admissions cap

Biden’s leaders allowed 11,411 refugees to relocate to the United States in the 2021 fiscal year, and 2,055 refugees are sorely needed this year.

The actual number of refugees released by the State Department this week may be Chapter Five of the fiscal year ended September 30, and the minimum number of people allowed by the Refugee Act has since passed in 1980.

The administration is working to change the complex laws enacted by former President Donald Trump that limited the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States and to govern those who deserve it. And again, the coronavirus virus has made it difficult to regain control of refugees.

President Joe Biden announced an annual suspension in May in the face of pressure from Democrats and foreign advisers to quickly repeal the $ 15,000 refugee law he named Trump after he resigned.

On Friday, Biden increased its closing in the fiscal year 2022 to $ 8,500,000, which it had promised to do in previous months.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ned Price said in a statement last month that the president discussed with Congress his intention to relocate refugees during the first year of the presidency.

Legally, leaders must consult with Congress before deciding how many refugees are allowed each year.

In May, Biden admitted that the hats were missing, citing measures taken by Trump to repair “the damage of the last four years.”

In the fiscal year 2017, when Mr. Trump took office, the State Department estimated that only 53,716 refugees had been admitted to the United States. up to 85,000.

The decline in the number of refugees admitted to the Trump administration has also hampered the construction of large U.S. buildings, and many offices have closed. According to a report from the Penn Biden Center last year, one-third of the country’s national counseling offices have been or will be closed since April 2019.

According to the State Department, by the end of December 2020, very few refugees were placed under Trump’s $ 15,000 cover.

Bill Frelick, director of Human Rights Watch’s Refugee and Refugee Department, said in a statement that the Trump administration has “weakened the progress of refugees.”

“There are no plans to restore Biden’s leadership,” Chinese spokesman Frelick said.

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and chief executive of the Immigration and Refugee Agency, also referred to the president’s contribution to the “low” note for the refugees ’press release on Monday.

“We apologize, but we are not surprised by the absence of voters this fiscal year,” O’Mara Vignarajah said.

They also said the global epidemic had hindered the rebuilding of the refugees.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cited the illness as the reason for the low turnout.

A department spokesman said the epidemic continues to “reduce” the flow of refugees. For example, officials were banned from applying for foreign immigrants to enter the United States

“We are still working on COVID, but we have changed and we want to see that future numbers continue to reflect our efforts,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement. News on Friday.

Biden officials are working to restore refugee capacity in the fiscal year 2022, a spokesman said. They adopted policies aimed at promoting the provision of support services and having a strong ability to communicate personally and in person.

“Our review of the refugee admission scheme in the United States has shown that it will take time to restore the numbers designated by the president,” a spokesman said in a statement. “The rebuilding process is ongoing and we can support and increase in registration in the coming years.”

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