Georgia judge approves special grand jury for Trump election interference

Georgia judge approves special grand jury for Trump election interference probe

A Georgian judge on Monday approved the chief justice’s appointment to help gather evidence as part of a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s efforts to change the outcome of the case. State elections 2020.

Permission was granted by Atlanta County Attorney Fani Willis, who on Thursday named a large number of witnesses who would refuse to cooperate with his investigation into Trump if they did not do so the punishment of judges.

On May 2, Trump’s investigation was run by special judges who, according to the judge’s order, would not work for more than 12 months demand.

Under Georgia law, defendants cannot be convicted of a criminal offense. However, they can provide eyewitness evidence, documents, and other evidence that a public attorney can use to prosecute. The special court may also make recommendations on individual charges.

The trumpet was removed in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and other key states for President Joe Biden, guaranteeing Biden’s victory in the nation’s National Electoral College election.

Four days before Congress confirmed Biden’s victory, on January 2, 2021, Trump called on Georgia’s foreign minister, Brad Raffensberger, to ask for enough votes to replace Biden’s victory. Biden and Lena sediment.

“All I want to do is: I just want to get 11,780 votes,” Trump told Raffensperger that day.

In the same speech, Trump also made several “falsely proven” allegations about the conduct of the election, which a Georgian election official mentioned a few days later.

According to DA Willis, Raffensberger, who was “an important witness in the investigation, said he would not attend the interview or other evidence-giving event unless it was given to him. A letter signed by my office.”

Trump’s efforts with Georgian officials are part of a concerted effort to overturn Biden’s success in several states through judicial, political, and other means.

The attempt failed hours after some Trump supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol Complex on January 6, 2021, four days after Trump called Raffensberger. Before the attack, Trump called on participants at a rally at the White House to fight for the confirmation of Biden’s victory at a joint congressional meeting, and called on Trump’s vice president Mike Pence, to overturn the Democrat’s victory. by rejecting government documents. voters from many swing states.

Pence denied Trump’s request and confirmed Biden had won the College Electoral College when the terrorists left the Capitol.

Fulton County Judge Robert McBurney is the killer in Trump’s case.

A Trump spokesman did not immediately respond to the jury’s request for a special decision.

On Friday, however, Trump reiterated his misrepresentation on the spread of state elections, which he said led to his frustration. there and elsewhere.

“Let me fix this, I’m being investigated in Georgia by the Attorney General and some lawyers and others who are quite familiar with the phone to investigate corruption in Georgia’s presidential election, but the criminals are not being investigated in any way. form defended. “

Also Friday, federal authorities arrested a Texas man named Chad Stark, who allegedly threatened to kill a Georgia election official and other officials just days after Trump called Raffensberger.

Stark was accused of posting a message on Craigslist on January 5, 2021, saying “It’s time for the Georgia Patriots to kill [A] Chinese agent – $ 10,000.”

The office was identified as the state election official, and the message was written on the same day of elections to the two seats in the U.S. Georgia Senate won by the democratic opposition. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

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