Microsoft says its encryption can make election hacking 'pointless'

Microsoft says its encryption can make election hacking ‘pointless’

Microsoft has partnered with the City of Wisconsin to test a security solution called Electoral Guard. It is claimed that the development of modern technology can deter voters and help bring voters back to the polls.

Fulton’s election was the first campaign on Election Guard, an election campaign launched by Microsoft under the Democratic Security Program. Microsoft Election Guard uses another indicator to check the selection and read within minutes. Its purpose is to make it difficult for users to use the system, but also to quickly identify if the system is at risk.

The City of Fulton, half an hour from Madison, is home to 3,300 people. Nearly 400 people crossed the ice at Fulton City Hall, the city’s only polling station.

“I offered a classic option that resembles small pencils, small shapes, and ash, but that’s not the case,” said Barbara Pifer, a Fulton representative. But Pifer said he was thrilled with the pilot: “It was great to see how they tried to do something new and maybe they could run a system that could be crazy and safe.”

Coming to power in the US election in the 2016 presidential election poll.

The head of Election Guard also arrived a few days after Shadow Inc. the beginning of the electoral program was developed.

Fraud is harmful

Many experts think that a stupid approach cannot be built.

“There’s nothing I can do – no one can do – to make sure there’s no threat,” said Josh Benaloh, creator of Microsoft’s encryption, which developed the platform based on Election Guard.

As a result, Election Guard is intended for clarification.

All votes are securely stored in so-called homomorphic encryption. Election information protects voter privacy and controls interference. If the party wants to run, they have to work hard to review all the elections to see what they have changed, Benaloh said.

After the vote, the registration of a man and a woman allows for business elections, and the results will be removed without registration at each election. At the end of the test in the book, there is a numerical value – if the votes are not broken, the similarity can give the expected result. If the answer is no, it will be seen that election officials need to monitor the election results with security.

Restore voter confidence

Microsoft’s answer is not only to find the wrong people but also to restore the trust of voters. After the election, voters left the ballot box, holding a code that allowed them to read through the gate the next day to make sure the ballots were read.

The gate does not specify which votes were cast because of the secret ballots, but because of Election Guard’s voting requirement, it can ensure that decisions are made correctly.

Voter confidence is closely linked to the integrity of the election, said Meagan Wolfe, director of the Wisconsin Electoral Commission, which worked with Microsoft to test the Election Guard in Fulton.

“Over the past few years, we’ve heard that they want to understand their chosen process and why, and in the belief that nothing has changed. In doing so.”

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